The NACE Clinical Highlights Show

CME/CE Podcast: Leaky Gut, Leaky Brain? Addressing the Gut-Brain Axis


For more information regarding this CME/CE activity and to complete the CME/CE requirements and claim credit for this activity, visit:

Though it is widely acknowledged that the gut is our largest endocrine and immune organ, its role in brain health is less well-known. When is the last time you asked a patient with depression about their diet? Mental health care expands beyond pharmacologic treatment, as explained in this activity detailing the influence of the gut-brain axis on neuroinflammation and the role that diet and pre/probiotics can play in mental health treatment.

In this PsychTalk podcast/webcast episode, Dr. Gregory Mattingly and Dr. Vladimir Maletic discuss the gut-brain axis and its influence on brain health, from its role in the manifestation of certain brain disorders and how we can target the gut to ultimately improve patient outcomes in psychiatry.

This podcast was recorded and is being used with permission of the presenters.

Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this activity, participants should be better able to:

  • Identify the key mechanisms of the gut-brain axis influence on brain disorders.
  • Discuss ways of incorporating understanding of gut dysbiosis into comprehensive treatment of psychiatric disorders.

This activity is accredited for CME/CE Credit
This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of the National Association for Continuing Education (NACE) and GlobalHealthXchange. NACE is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

The National Association for Continuing Education designates this enduring material for a maximum of 0.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Accreditation Standards of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners® (AANP) through the joint providership of the National Association for Continuing Education (NACE) and GlobalHealthXchange. NACE is accredited by the AANP as an approved provider of nurse practitioner continuing education. Provider number 121222. This activity is approved for 0.50 contact hours (which does not include hours of pharmacology).

For additional information about the accreditation of this program, please contact NACE at

Summary of Individual Disclosures
Please review faculty and planner disclosures here.

Disclosure of Commercial Support
This educational activity is not commercially funded.

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